Source code for arroba.did

"""Utilities to create and resolve did:plcs, did:webs, and handles.

import base64
from collections import namedtuple
import json
import logging
import os
import urllib.parse

from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import ec
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes import Hash, SHA256
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization
from dns.exception import DNSException
from dns.rdatatype import TXT
import dns.resolver
import dag_cbor
from multiformats import multibase, multicodec
import requests

from . import util

DidPlc = namedtuple('DidPlc', [
    'did',           # str
    'signing_key',   # ec.EllipticCurvePrivateKey
    'rotation_key',  # ec.EllipticCurvePrivateKey
    'doc',           # dict, DID document

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def resolve(did, **kwargs): """Resolves a ``did:plc`` or ``did:web``. Args: did (str): kwargs: passed through to :func:`resolve_plc`/:func:`resolve_web` Returns: dict: JSON DID document Raises: ValueError: if the input is not a ``did:plc`` or ``did:web`` requests.RequestException: if an HTTP request fails """ if did: if did.startswith('did:plc:'): return resolve_plc(did, **kwargs) elif did.startswith('did:web:'): return resolve_web(did, **kwargs) raise ValueError(f'{did} is not a did:plc or did:web')
[docs]def resolve_plc(did, get_fn=requests.get): """Resolves a ``did:plc`` by fetching its DID document from a PLC registry. The PLC registry hostname is specified in the ``PLC_HOST`` environment variable. ``did:plc`` background: * * Args: did (str) get_fn (callable): for making HTTP GET requests Returns: dict: JSON DID document Raises: ValueError: if the input did is not a ``did:plc`` str requests.RequestException: if the HTTP request fails """ if not isinstance(did, str) or not did.startswith('did:plc:'): raise ValueError(f'{did} is not a did:plc') resp = get_fn(f'https://{os.environ["PLC_HOST"]}/{did}') resp.raise_for_status() return resp.json()
[docs]def create_plc(handle, signing_key=None, rotation_key=None, pds_url=None, """Creates a new ``did:plc`` in a PLC registry. The PLC registry hostname is specified in the ``PLC_HOST`` environment variable. ``did:plc`` background: * * The DID document in the returned value is the *new format* DID doc, with the fully qualified ```` and ``Multikey`` key encoding, ie ``did:key`` without the prefix. Details: Args: handle (str): domain handle to associate with this DID signing_key (ec.EllipticCurvePrivateKey): The curve must be SECP256K1. If omitted, a new keypair will be created. rotation_key (ec.EllipticCurvePrivateKey): The curve must be SECP256K1. If omitted, a new keypair will be created. pds_url (str): PDS base URL to associate with this DID. If omitted, defaults to ``https://[PDS_HOST]`` post_fn (callable): for making HTTP POST requests Returns: DidPlc: with the newly created ``did:plc``, keys, and DID document Raises: ValueError: if any inputs are invalid requests.RequestException: if the HTTP request to the PLC registry fails """ plc_host = os.environ.get('PLC_WRITE_HOST') or os.environ.get('PLC_HOST') if not isinstance(handle, str) or not handle: raise ValueError(f'{handle} is not a valid handle') if not pds_url: pds_url = f'https://{os.environ["PDS_HOST"]}' for key in signing_key, rotation_key: if key and not isinstance(key.curve, ec.SECP256K1): raise ValueError(f'Expected SECP256K1 key; got {key.curve}') if not signing_key:'Generating new k256 signing key') signing_key = util.new_key() if not rotation_key:'Generating new k256 rotation key') rotation_key = util.new_key()'Generating and signing PLC directory genesis operation...') # this is a PLC directory genesis operation for creating a new DID. # it's *not* a DID document. similar but not the same! # create = { 'type': 'plc_operation', 'rotationKeys': [encode_did_key(rotation_key.public_key())], 'verificationMethods': { 'atproto': encode_did_key(signing_key.public_key()), }, 'alsoKnownAs': [ f'at://{handle}', ], 'services': { 'atproto_pds': { 'type': 'AtprotoPersonalDataServer', 'endpoint': f'{pds_url}', } }, 'prev': None, } create = util.sign(create, rotation_key) create['sig'] = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(create['sig']).decode().rstrip('=') sha256 = Hash(SHA256()) sha256.update(dag_cbor.encode(create)) hash = sha256.finalize() did_plc = 'did:plc:' + base64.b32encode(hash)[:24].lower().decode()' {did_plc}') plc_url = f'https://{plc_host}/{did_plc}''Publishing to {plc_url} ...') resp = post_fn(plc_url, json=create) resp.raise_for_status()'{resp} {resp.content}') create['did'] = did_plc return DidPlc(did=did_plc, doc=plc_operation_to_did_doc(create), signing_key=signing_key, rotation_key=rotation_key)
[docs]def encode_did_key(pubkey): """Encodes an :class:`ec.EllipticCurvePublicKey` into a ``did:key`` string. Args: pubkey (ec.EllipticCurvePublicKey) Returns: str: encoded ``did:key`` """ if isinstance(pubkey.curve, ec.SECP256K1): codec = 'secp256k1-pub' elif isinstance(pubkey.curve, ec.SECP256R1): codec = 'p256-pub' else: raise ValueError(f'Expected secp256k1 or secp256r1 curve, got {pubkey.curve}') pubkey_bytes = pubkey.public_bytes(serialization.Encoding.X962, serialization.PublicFormat.CompressedPoint) pubkey_multibase = multibase.encode(multicodec.wrap(codec, pubkey_bytes), 'base58btc') return f'did:key:{pubkey_multibase}'
[docs]def decode_did_key(did_key): """Decodes a ``did:key`` string into an :class:`ec.EllipticCurvePublicKey`. Args: did_key (str) Returns: ec.EllipticCurvePublicKey """ assert did_key.startswith('did:key:') wrapped_bytes = multibase.decode(did_key.removeprefix('did:key:')) codec, data = multicodec.unwrap(wrapped_bytes) if == 'secp256k1-pub': curve = ec.SECP256K1() elif == 'p256-pub': curve = ec.SECP256R1() else: raise ValueError(f'Expected secp256k1 or secp256r1 curve, got {}') return ec.EllipticCurvePublicKey.from_encoded_point(curve, data)
[docs]def plc_operation_to_did_doc(op): """Converts a PLC directory operation to a DID document. The DID document in the returned value is the *new format* DID doc, with the fully qualified ```` and ``Multikey`` key encoding, ie ``did:key`` without the prefix. Details: Args: op: dict, PLC operation, Returns: dict: DID document, """ assert op signing_did_key = op['verificationMethods']['atproto'] return { '@context': [ '', '', '', ], 'id': op['did'], 'alsoKnownAs': op['alsoKnownAs'], 'verificationMethod': [{ 'id': f'{op["did"]}#atproto', 'type': 'EcdsaSecp256r1VerificationKey2019', 'controller': op['did'], 'publicKeyMultibase': signing_did_key.removeprefix('did:key:'), }], 'service': [{ 'id': '#atproto_pds', 'type': 'AtprotoPersonalDataServer', 'serviceEndpoint': op['services']['atproto_pds']['endpoint'], }], }
[docs]def resolve_web(did, get_fn=requests.get): """Resolves a ``did:web`` by fetching its DID document. ``did:web`` spec: Args: did (str) get_fn (callable): for making HTTP GET requests Returns: dict: JSON DID document Raises: ValueError: if the input did is not a ``did:web`` str requests.RequestException: if the HTTP request fails """ if not isinstance(did, str) or not did.startswith('did:web:'): raise ValueError(f'{did} is not a did:web') did = did.removeprefix('did:web:') if ':' in did: did = did.replace(':', '/') else: did += '/.well-known' resp = get_fn(f'https://{urllib.parse.unquote(did)}/did.json') resp.raise_for_status() return resp.json()
[docs]def resolve_handle(handle, get_fn=requests.get): """Resolves an ATProto handle to a DID. Supports the DNS TXT record and HTTPS well-known methods. Args: handle (str) get_fn (callable): for making HTTP GET requests Returns: str or None: DID, or None if the handle can't be resolved Raises: ValueError: if handle is not a domain """ if not handle or not isinstance(handle, str) or not util.DOMAIN_RE.match(handle): raise ValueError(f"{handle} doesn't look like a domain")'Resolving handle {handle}') # DNS method name = f'_atproto.{handle}.' try:'Querying DNS TXT for {name}') answer = dns.resolver.resolve(name, TXT)'Got: {answer.response}') if answer.canonical_name.to_text() == name: for rdata in answer: if rdata.rdtype == TXT: text = rdata.to_text() if text.startswith('"did=did:'): return text.strip('"').removeprefix('did=') except DNSException as e: # HTTPS well-known method try: resp = get_fn(f'https://{handle}/.well-known/atproto-did') except requests.RequestException as e:'HTTPS handle resolution failed: {e}') return None if resp.ok and resp.headers.get('Content-Type', '').split(';')[0] == 'text/plain': return resp.text.strip() return None