Source code for arroba.util

"""Misc AT Protocol utils. TIDs, CIDs, etc."""
import copy
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
import json
import logging
from numbers import Integral
import random
import re
import time
from urllib.parse import urlparse

from cryptography.exceptions import InvalidSignature
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import ec
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.utils import (
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes
import dag_cbor
import jwt
from multiformats import CID, multicodec, multihash

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

USER_AGENT = 'arroba ('

DOMAIN_RE = re.compile(r'^[^/:;@?!\']+\.[^/:@_?!\']+$')

# the bottom 32 clock ids can be randomized & are not guaranteed to be collision
# resistant. we use the same clockid for all TIDs coming from this runtime.
_clockid = random.randint(0, 31)
_tid_ts_last = 0  # microseconds

S32_CHARS = '234567abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'

# for low-S signing
    ec.SECP256R1: 0xFFFFFFFF_00000000_FFFFFFFF_FFFFFFFF_BCE6FAAD_A7179E84_F3B9CAC2_FC632551,

[docs]def now(tz=timezone.utc, **kwargs): """Wrapper for :meth:`` that lets us mock it out in tests.""" return, **kwargs)
[docs]def time_ns(): """Wrapper for :func:`time.time_ns` that lets us mock it out in tests.""" return time.time_ns()
[docs]def dag_cbor_cid(obj): """Returns the DAG-CBOR CID for a given object. Args: obj: CBOR-compatible native object or value Returns: CID: """ encoded = dag_cbor.encode(obj) digest = multihash.digest(encoded, 'sha2-256') return CID('base58btc', 1, 'dag-cbor', digest)
[docs]def s32encode(num): """Base32 encode with encoding variant sort. Based on Args: num (int or Integral) Returns: str: """ assert isinstance(num, Integral) encoded = [] while num > 0: c = num % 32 num = num // 32 encoded.insert(0, S32_CHARS[c]) return ''.join(encoded)
[docs]def s32decode(val): """Base32 decode with encoding variant sort. Based on Args: val (str) Returns: int or Integral: """ i = 0 for c in val: i = i * 32 + S32_CHARS.index(c) return i
[docs]def datetime_to_tid(dt, clock_id=None): """Converts a datetime to a TID. Args: dt (datetime.datetime): clock_id: 0, optional. If not specified, uses this runtime's clock id Returns: str: base32-encoded TID """ return int_to_tid(int(dt.timestamp() * 1000 * 1000), clock_id=clock_id)
[docs]def int_to_tid(num, clock_id=None): """Converts an integer to a TID. Args: seq (int) clock_id (int): optional. If not specified, uses this runtime's clock id Returns: str: base32-encoded TID """ if clock_id is None: clock_id = _clockid tid = (s32encode(num) + s32encode(clock_id).ljust(2, '2')) # clock id assert len(tid) <= 13, tid return tid.rjust(13, '2') # pad up to 13 chars; '2' decodes to 0
[docs]def tid_to_datetime(tid): """Converts an TID to a datetime. Args: tid (bytes): base32-encoded TID Returns: datetime.datetime: Raises: ValueError: if tid is not bytes or not 13 characters long """ return datetime.fromtimestamp(tid_to_int(tid) / 1000 / 1000, timezone.utc)
[docs]def tid_to_int(tid): """Converts an TID to an integer. Args: tid (bytes): base32-encoded TID Returns: int: Raises: ValueError: if tid is not bytes or not 13 characters long """ if not isinstance(tid, (str, bytes)) or len(tid) != 13: raise ValueError(f'Expected 13-character str or bytes; got {tid}') encoded = tid.replace('-', '')[:-2] # strip clock id return s32decode(encoded)
[docs]def next_tid(): """Returns the TID corresponding to the current time. A TID is a base32-sortable-encoded UNIX timestamp (ie time since the epoch) in microseconds. Returned tids are guaranteed to monotonically increase across calls. Returns: str: TID """ global _tid_ts_last # enforce that we're at least 1us after the last TID to prevent TIDs moving # backwards if system clock drifts backwards _tid_ts_last = max(time_ns() // 1000, _tid_ts_last + 1) return int_to_tid(_tid_ts_last)
[docs]def at_uri(did, collection, rkey): """Returns the ``at://`` URI for a given DID, collection, and rkey. Args: did (str) collection (str) rkey (str) Returns: str: ``at://`` URI """ assert did assert collection assert rkey return f'at://{did}/{collection}/{rkey}'
[docs]def parse_at_uri(uri): """Parses the repo DID, collection, and rkey out of an at:// URI. Args: uri (str) Returns: tuple of str: ``(did, collection, rkey)`` """ if not uri or not uri.startswith('at://'): raise ValueError(f"{uri} isn't an at:// URI") parsed = urlparse(uri) rkey = parsed.path.strip('/').split('/', maxsplit=1) if len(rkey) < 2: rkey.append('') return parsed.netloc, *rkey
[docs]def new_key(seed=None): """Generates a new ECC K-256 keypair. Args: seed (int): optional deterministic value to derive private key from. Don't use in production! Returns: ec.EllipticCurvePrivateKey: """ if seed: return ec.derive_private_key(seed, ec.SECP256K1()) else: return ec.generate_private_key(ec.SECP256K1())
[docs]def sign(obj, private_key): """Signs an object, eg a repo commit or DID document. Adds the signature in the ``sig`` field. The signature is ECDSA around SHA-256 of the input, including a custom second pass to enforce that it's the "low-S" variant: Args: obj (dict) private_key ( Returns: dict: ``obj`` with new ``sig`` field """ orig_sig = private_key.sign(dag_cbor.encode(obj), ec.ECDSA(hashes.SHA256())) r, s = decode_dss_signature(apply_low_s_mitigation(orig_sig, private_key.curve)) obj['sig'] = r.to_bytes(32, 'big') + s.to_bytes(32, 'big') return obj
# old, using pycryptodome # signer =, 'fips-186-3', randfunc=_randfunc) # commit['sig'] = signer.sign( # return commit
[docs]def apply_low_s_mitigation(signature, curve): """Low-S signature mitigation. This prevents signature malleability. (It *doesn't* guarantee deterministic signatures though!) From picopds. Thank you David! Args: signature (bytes) curve (ec.EllipticCurve) Returns: bytes: """ r, s = decode_dss_signature(signature) n = CURVE_ORDER[type(curve)] if s > n // 2: s = n - s return encode_dss_signature(r, s)
[docs]def verify_sig(obj, public_key): """Returns True if obj's signature is valid, False otherwise. See :func:`sign` for more background. Args: obj (dict): repo commit public_key (ec.EllipticCurvePublicKey): Raises: KeyError: if ``obj`` isn't signed, ie doesn't have a ``sig`` field """ obj = copy.copy(obj) sig = obj.pop('sig') if len(sig) != 64: logger.debug(f'Expected signature to be 64 bytes, got {len(sig)}') return False r = int.from_bytes(sig[:32], 'big') s = int.from_bytes(sig[32:], 'big') der_sig = encode_dss_signature(r, s) try: public_key.verify(der_sig, dag_cbor.encode(obj), ec.ECDSA(hashes.SHA256())) return True except InvalidSignature: logger.debug("Couldn't verify signature", exc_info=True) return False
[docs]def service_jwt(host, repo_did, privkey, expiration=timedelta(minutes=10)): """Generates an inter-service JWT, eg for a relay or AppView. Args: host (str): hostname of the service this JWT is for, eg ```` repo_did (str): DID of the repo this JWT is for privkey (ec.EllipticCurvePrivateKey): repo's signing key expiration (timedelta): length of time this JWT will be valid, defaults to 10m Returns: str: JWT """ assert host assert repo_did assert expiration data = { 'iss': repo_did, 'aud': f'did:web:{host}', 'alg': 'ES256K', # k256 'exp': int((now() + expiration).timestamp()), }'Generating ATProto inter-service JWT: {data}') return jwt.encode(data, privkey, algorithm='ES256K')